Monday, March 29, 2010

Rifle scope ratings - Close Encounters of the child Soaring

Perhaps this is not the most important articles ever written on the rise, but it was interesting to read of one! Join me as I remember some memorable encounters antenna during my years flying high. A couple of things here are not the eyebrows pilot and pilots to increase as well.

Rough encounter with a heat-Core

Soaring pilots of all types are equipped with "thermal family, columns of air bubbles rising, at times, the warmer the surrounding air. InCentral Australia, where I learned in the 70s the thermals in the summer were often fly very high. The core temperature, would be only a few meters in diameter, sometimes suction from the floor to great heights.

However, I was on a training flight with my instructor and we saw some tracers of dust in the distance. We lost not time fly, and then enter the heat. What happened next surprised us, because we flew right through the core. WHAM! Old Blanik L13 buckedSky. A split second later, taking the acceleration upward, and every bit 'of dust and dirt in the cab about points above the canopy plexiglass and then it rained again on us. We only have a smile! Needless to say, it was discovered that a large heat!

Dreamlike encounter with a pile Rim

The next meeting is for many, many riders increase every day, but it's an exciting time for the first time. Again, under the L13 Blanik, but on this occasion. Itwas a good day on the rise, and I remember how I screwed up the look with a large cumulus clouds.

Keep increasing until I had the courage, the great gray cavern increasingly bright. I noticed the horizon had disappeared in all directions. The air was wonderfully fresh. Here I was slightly concave sides in the shadow of a healthy, growing cumulous cloud. A Whisp gray shot past me, to my right. Mmm, flying cloud tatters now better here, and fast. Ipushed the nose down, the acceleration of Blanik up to a noisy 80 knots (150 mph) or so, before punching in the radiant sun that is located on the edge.

Great meeting with a bag lunch

To be precise, a brown paper bag. I just decided to try the fun to hit a small object in the air. A sort of precision flight test! With 1000 meters (3,000 feet) or so in hand, came out of my lunch box empty, with the panel with a clear vision of the CAP. Then I flewfor a while ', to a certain distance between the Put-Bocian 2 posts and I flew pocket.

Meanwhile, the bag was floating gently through the air, losing altitude at a rate similar to the screen. Bocian lifted the old man on a wing tip, I went down and turned around for the bag. It was not hard to see. As he approached, I had some very quick changes in the last minute to do the checks get close to the bag. Losing the first time. But after a few attemptsFWOPPP because it was pinned on the flap of ventilation open-air! It 'really made my day. After landing, the bag was still stuck in the air, and there is a picture to prove it ...

First encounter with a hang glider

Several thousand meters, I saw a hang glider heat up several miles away. Of course, I went to him to come, but curiosity made me, as the prospect of a career! Sliding under the dragon, perhaps 300 feet below them, then I spentToo long to gawk and not enough time to concentrate on my career in the stations.

Seeing that he was climbing out of me, I left the heat after a few minutes to hehe further embarrassment, be avoided. But it was an interesting experience, just as a minimum level during the flight. I could clearly see his weight, moving the enthusiastic driver and directs the vehicle to increase the stronger regions.

First encounter with a Hawk

The first air-air --Meeting with a soaring bird is another very special experience for a driver on the rise. For me, it happened during a ridge-soaring hills near Locheil in South Australia. Heading towards the south end of the scale, I noticed a big bird, do, a place of ridge soaring. A closer inspection it became clear that in an average hawk of any kind

Determined to get even more, I turned on the ridge and approached the bird from behindas slowly as possible to fly safely. Outstretched wings, the hawk seemed almost motionless as the light wind flew directly west. When the screen came close to the creature turned to his neck to get a good look at me. Two watchful eyes of the hawk has a great white bird, is risky in the stock, for a moment. My speed was much higher than the Falcons, so I just left behind. I never saw it again, but the memories certainlyremained!


I hope you enjoyed my little collection of encounters ever! These are just a small example of the unique experiences as a pilot if they had to be soaring in a glider, hang gliding or glider. Check out some of my other articles to learn more about these other sports in growth.

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